FWDC Day 4 - all about ducks

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's a duck ... Not a recovering alcoholic duck ... Not an ego maniac duck ... Not a duck with mommy issues ... just a duck.

Day 4 was more of the same, focusing on both scene and characters, within that scene, development. Won't lie, some of the discussions felt like we were arguing how long a piece of string needs to be, circling the point like a plane waiting to land.

That said, I'm learning loads ... The key take away of the theory so far for me is to give more though to the characters and motivations for their actions that drive the story, something that has always been an after though in all my stuff.

The question, I suppose, is how much of this will I take onboard .. hmmm ... There is only one way to find out - lets film shall we !!

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