FWDC Day 15 - green be gone

Bulk of Day 15 was spent crewing for other's shorts - runner for Lorenze and sound for Jordan.

One thing I did discover on Day 14 was how much Apple has made life difficult for me. The footage shot with the JVC was native to final cut pro which meant I could only edit the footage in final cut pro on a Mac .. Arghhh !! ...

So, the final part of the day was spent compressing the rushes to 'ProRes 422 HQ' so I can edit at home ... On my beloved windows machine ... or as I like to call it ... 'Wack', as opposed to 'Mac'.

Also, between the camera and the hard drive two of my shots were lost. These shots were going to pull my short together and help make this nonsensical story make a little more sense. Clearly 'Murphy' was not through with me on Day 14 and came back for the final touches - and boy was I 'touched' !!

Never mind, it's too late now. All I can do now is run with what I have and chalk it all down to experience.

Now to get the green out and build the virtual sets ... I know what I'll be doing this weekend.

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