Time to make a run for it ...

In tone of martin luther king ... 'I had a plan, a plan that by mid summer I will be able to run for more than 5 min without stopping, a plan to stop out growing my wardrobe, a plan to ... '

Well what can I say spring brings such hopes and plans for the summer, a lot like new years, that you would do anything, including sign up for a 5km run.

At the time I signed up I was sure I will be ready for it, its only 5K, plus I had a plan. Well 7kg, in the wrong direction, later I have been caught by the fan, gulfing down a bar of chocolate, just as it's intercepted a heap of shit.

That's right, the run is tomorrow and the last time I tried running I got half way through 'broken strings' before I was huffed out.

Lets see what happens tomorrow.

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