When getting lost is not an option but a choice

In the past few weeks I have been tolling the deep crevices of the internets, looking for tips and tricks on sorting out tailoring google maps to my specs. Listed here are some useful links I found on my 'travels'.

Google Latitude is the back bone to my location app. Its a service that rinsed in the background on your mobile, updating your current location per the phone gps.

Warning: if you use this make sure that you have unlimited data plan.

There are two main problems with latitude:
a) it does not remember where you have been, only showing the real time location; and
b) there is no manual over ride on the frequency with which the location is updated ... google give a blurb about power management on mobile devices as an excuse for the absence of this feature.

Another useful Link:


Copy-paste this in you browser when you are at google maps and it will give to the latitude and longitude of the location at the center of the screen. A useful tip of getting the lat/lon position is to right click on the map and select 'center map' option.

The google API for those interested can be found here and there are plenty of good examples flying around in their documentation.


Once you get a hang of it, its a little bit addictive ... I am so hooked !!

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