Cut & Paste

Take the rap battles from “8 miles” (that Eminem movie), suck all the cool out of the contenders/audience preferably with an industrial sucking device of sorts, sprinkle some geek on the stage and the crowd, throw four Macs, a PC and a bunch of projectors on the stage, sprinkle some more geek (you can never have enough geek at one of these things .. never), hand everyone an entry level Canon/ Nikon and you have your self a Cut & Paste event.

In a nut shell Cut & Paste is a graphic designer’s version of rap battles where four contenders are thrown on the stage, given a theme and then judged on their output produced in a given time frame. The three categories were 2D, 3D and motion graphics.

I must say it was very interesting for as long as the novelty lasted, which was about an hour for me. Yes that’s right, it took me that long to get used to the whole thing and I consider my self as one of them. I recon it would last three times longer for an outsider.

In the words of Mr. Forest, the contestants were like a box of chocolate only a few were good and despite having read the description on paper for the others it was shocking how bad some of them turned out to be, though I appreciate the pressure that they were under.

I suppose its one of those things that you have to do once, and trust you me once is all you’ll need, if not for the competition than for the horde that gathers at the watering hole that is Cut & Paste.

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