Painting - Lesson learned

Decided to paint my room on my way back from work. Thought I'd share my mistakes with any would-be painters ... you have been warned.

> Don't enlist your overly excited brother

> Don't panic if you drop paint on the carpet .. It's too late

> Don't hope that you can wipe the paint when you get it on the wall you didn't mean to. Get some white paint

> Don't forget to pretend that the color on the wall is exactly what you were after, especially if you have your brothers laughing their ass off ... so what if it sucks the light out of the room ...

> Don't get paint under your foot

> Don't forget to buy enough paint

> and finally ... Don't paint if you don't know what you are doing !!

LIFE - the game

Life has been compared to every thing imaginable; a box of chocolate, theatrical plays, sports ... List goes on ...

Games, both of board and video variety, pepper the shelves of stores. However the reality offered by your 'sim life' to 'second life' doesn't quiet pack a punch.

To bridge that gap I am working on the next gen game called 'LIFE - the game', that's right, it's not just any game it is THE GAME. There may be no do-overs in LIFE but you sure in hell get chances.

A not so perfect blend

Here is what I like about the holidays ... Time for self discovery. This holiday break is no different. Discovered a blender at home on Friday, suffice to say there are no solid foods at home and I can't wait till shops open tomorrow. Have a killer craving to chew on something with a bite.

On the upside I now know how to make hummus and all my 5-a-days have been compressed into a glass.

Self Portrait - lighting gear

For the wanderers and dreamers out there ... This is the light I use for the recent low key (set up where the subject is predominately dark). It's a tiny LED light for around 22 odd quid - awesome.

That said it was annoying to take pictures with the camera on the tripod. Next time I'll get volunteers.

Special blend of crazy

A bunch of us decided to drive down to the main land but once the costings came through we were quick to dismiss the idea ... But not entirely ...

Any rational individual would've called it a night and walked away from the idea. But this particular bunch of problem solving miss-fits ... We identified the next best option - BUS...

The scope of the challenge slightly changed ... We were now trying to get across the channel for as cheap as possible. Initial research suggested that france was a good option but we were looking at a 12 hrs bus ride. The bus ride did to the group what Chromotography does to solutions ... It weeded out the weak crazy from the group ... and we were left with the pure crazy.

Just when I thought I got all the crazy out of my system I realised I was one of the two crazies that were left standing. With my distractions with the recent videos, 'alpha crazy' was left in charge of all arrangements. Alpha crazy ... Now there is a level of crazy you don't see every day.

So .. I get to national express station at 6:30 .. All set to spend the weekend (the bits for which I will not be in a bus) on the streets of Paris ... right ... wrong ... the two crazies are sitting on a bus heading to Amsterdam which is approx. 7.50 quid cheaper to get to.

I am a little scared to ask about our accommodation plans ... But I take comfort from the fact that tonight will be spent on the bus.

All that's left is to stay away from fiber ... Because ... What goes in must come out !

A familiar face

Is it me or Rumpelstiltskin from shrek 4 look a little like Amit :) ... Hahah .. Sorry buddy, had to ...

This time ... there will be blood.

The short I shoot on 27th Nov - working title 'so much for booking' - is in its final stages of post production.

I enjoyed 'hanging' out and filming this horror/thriller with the cast from DramSoc's new play, 'the dark side' (imperial's drama society). It gave me some more experience is writing for film and directing actors.

I also tried setting myself some technical challenges with visual effects I have never done before. Some worked out while others backfired. All in all good fun.

Hope you all enjoy it ... And as ever feedback is always appreciated.