I'm gona smack this Mac

I have never been tested by a machine as much as I have been tested with this stupid thing ... goes by the name Mac.

You feed it a fresh dvd and it refuses to acknowledge your offering. To add to insult, since it never recognised the DVD there is no way of getting it back from this unthankful machine. Need to talk to the terminal to get it to make good with .. Well .. The goods.

And don't even get me started on capturing video on this thing .. That one I'll keep for my therapist ...

1 year - 2 months - 4 days ...

... Since I last filmed something. Seriously need to film something soon or I'll go out of my mind.

Spent a good part of friday and sunday lugging the gear across town. It's a shame I was not able to film anything because didn't manage to secure a location.

Maybe I should start with a music video to get warmed up ... After all, it's been some time since the last video ... Hmmm, what song should it be ...

Bless this mess

If folks at Stoic TV spent fraction of the time they spend on fiddling with their local network on filming ... they could produce some great content.

Just coz ....

Just because it's at the royal opera house does not mean it will be opera. It is in fact ballet.

So effectively I'm watching a bunch of people doing, what I can best describe as, a bleep test ... Working out as I sit crookedly in my chair to get a better view. Oh .. and did I mention it sells like the inside of an airplane.

To be Cultured and confused - at the Opera

I feel so cultured and confused and a little bit posh, but not too much ... The best kinda combination there is.

A stolen business plan?

I always thought that if I ever went into business for myself it would be based on backed goodness ... Looks like some Wally has beat me to the ... Oven ...