A 'fluty' song ...

By 'Grizzly Bears' ... if you come across this on Facebook, the video is on the blog so you'll have to follow the line to the source. Enjoy, I surely did ...

'Grizzly bears' ... Simply Spectacular

I normally don't use that word but this concert was .. Well ... Spectacular, that btw is better than Awesome. See the blog for the video and other pics.

'Grizzly Bear' @ London Roundhouse

One man's dinner party another man's concert !!

What a concert ... The sound system @ Roundhouse is Awesome ... I wish I could take the base how with me. Not to mention sold a ticket to a 'skyper', is that what they are called?

Thanks Fahad,

Ministry of sound

Awesome !! ... But now the rest of the would be spent recovering my hearing .. and voice. Not really sure why I was screaming so much ... Hmm need to work that one out !

For the those in doubt

Like I said before ... There is an imax at north greenwich .. The writing is on the wall ...