The big ouch !

Hope no one was hurt ... Someone somewhere is having a rough lunch. Live life to the full and don't hold back on the chocolate ... You never know when what can happen !

What? V&A again ...

I have been here 4 times in the last three months ... Time to find me a new museum.

lighten up buddy ... You have been photoshopped

See anything wrong with this picture? Now look again where the feet of the dude are. What is casting that shadow? Yeah, that's what I thought ... Busted.

Looking closer at the rocks in the second pic clearly shows an attempt to soften the cut edges through blurring. I'll give them that because I do the same. But no excuse for missing the shadow ... None what so ever.

Interesting little coincy-donc ... Came across a poster for 'upset the rhythm' in a vynal store near old street, a venture of an old housemate ...

Check out '' if you are sick of the main stream pop culture and looking to go 'off-piest'.

Is disney takin' the mickey?

Using the blood of a frog ... Someone dropped the ball on that, frogs are cold blooded ... You can rest assured that someone at disney would be getting an email ... Maybe even mickey

Who says I have commitment issues?

This is one hell of a commitment to start with, four boxes, what was I thinking. In my defence, I was blinded by the discount.

Moreover, I'm always entering into commitment ranging from the short to the more longer term. For instance I'm committed to my current phone contract. Those close to me may class it as a wedlock but who has time for semantics.

for the commitment phobes out there, might I suggest committing to this answer if you are every questioned on you leaning.