This is not just any board game, this is softly-softly-drive-you-blind-e game

I remember playing something similar when I was growing up, used to call it 'ludo'.

Don't recall it being blindingly sparkley.

'Jhansee ka Raja'

This is from the hindustan's (not indian, there is a difference, approx 62 years worth) 'pimp my ride' pilot, hard to imagine why it got cancelled.

And in the foreground you can just about make out KP pointing at the contraption, asking .. 'what's this made of ?' ... only to follow it shortly with ... 'you reckon I can touch it' ...

What a hero ...

A sunset sponsored by ... Sainsbury's

Atleast the color scheme seems to suggest it ... It's a shame that I didn't have my camera with me, the phone cam really does no justice in painting the colors of the sunset.

Aldo - where cows come to die !

Or women come to cry ... I can swear I just saw a woman weep softly in a corner because the shoe on sale was not in her size.

Ohhh what a cruel world we live in .. Sniff sniff ... My heart, it breaks for these 'inappropriately-footed' women.

All that glitters is gold ?

Clearly whoever claimed that was not introduced to my two friends; mr Clear Plastic and mr Reflecty Glass ..

If you can't beat them ... Join them ... It's time ...

Let the try outs begin ...

Zara .. Lost to the masses

it's interesting that the masses appear to be from indian sub-continent and further east ...

Hunt of the 'Gatherers'

It's 9 in the morning, and I'm pretty sure most of the 'gatherers' here have never seen a morning sun, well atleast not a 9-in-the-morning-sun.

This is walls ... reporting live (for now) from the 'annual spurge day' ...

It's the season to belt a note

Carols at work ... Awesome and relaxing. It's a shame that I must now head back to my desk :(

Holding on to dear life ... Or dead

Missed my dentist appointment and ventured into V&A on the way back to salvage the trip to south ken.

strolling casually through the exhibits I couldn't help but notice that all memorials spoke of the deceased being retained in vaults of some nature ... Safe from the world.

It's interesting how people find ways to hold on to the passing of time and loved ones. Erecting memorials and starting charities so others won't let them forget ... But to what end ... Well, in most cases to 'their end'.

A lit torch will only burn so long.