Price for being smart ...

It's smart to sacrifice the last 10 min of the game to catch a clear way home. What's makes this not so smart is 30,000 smart people thinking the same thing!

Price for being over smart .... Is a waiting a long que.

Gunners vs the black team?

So far it's 2-1 ... based on the noises. I could be wrong ... Very wrong. The game rolls on but it's ok ... all is not lost, I smell pizza ...

Exploring for ecstasy

Spent the better part of Saturday evening at an unplugged session with latif balot's sufi music. Very interesting and relaxing ... If only the seating arrangement was a little more comfy.

Sure will try this again ...

Here's to trying and most likely failing ...

An attempt at building a customized frame for the pictures ... It's turning out to be more hassle than it's worth.

What goes 'swing' and misses

This clip starts at his 8th attempt and goes on from there. Giving me enough time to arm myself with my camera.

Suffice to say it was mucho entertaining.

Spoilt for choice with no lick of sense

No idea where to begin ...

The city limits

Never really thought about what happens to pylon when they near cities until I saw this.

The non-mystery solved.