Camera, Models and hurling Bottles

So this weekend I was out and about the isle of dog with "Sista Souljah" for a photoshoot ... Must say they have lots of potential fans both tame and insane, though the insane variety is in an unusual range of age group of pubacent male likely in a transition from fractions to factoring.

We got wine bottles hurled at us on one occasion and pebbles graduating to rocks at another. FUCKING ridiculous ... Almost called the police but were informed by a random dog walker that this group in question set someone's car on fire as recent as 3 days ago.

There is a serious lack parenting and a slap to both pairs of cheeks is vital for the future of the area and the individuals.

If there ever was time for though love ... That time is neigh.

What goes in must come out !

@ nandos ... Extra hot not so got for mr chugtai ... Lets hope it tasted as hot on the way out as it did on the way in ... It's a shame diet coke wasn't there to ease the burn!

There are Ponoramas ... and then there is this

Panoramas can be impressive-giant things when seen against a normal run-of-the-mill picture, alot like parking a smart car next to a hummer, you can't help but admire the beast.

Now ... imagine that hummer parked next to an Airbus 380. This A380 is none other than a GigaPan, a titan in the world of panoramic photography.

This can take some awesome looking pictures and is designed for people who want the big and small picture .. all in one, some people can be so demanding.

I think I will stick with rotating at the hip while taking my Panoramas and stick to a rolling image to show a little bit of detail for those Panoramas.